Monday, 29 April 2013


Belly Fat affects your physical appearance and poses harmful health risks. 

Visceral belly fat, the type that lies deep within your abdominal cavity, increases your risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, according to “Harvard Women’s Health Watch.” 

Moderate physical activity and a diet low in calories, saturated fats and refined carbohydrates can help combat belly fat. 

Consuming certain foods also can help fight excess abdominal fat.

Whole Grains

Your body digests whole grains slower than refined grains due to the higher amount of fibre contained in whole grains. This helps you feel full longer, eat less and keep your insulin levels low and steady. 

These benefits are believed to shrink belly fat cells, according to CBS News. Whole grains, such as brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal and whole wheat bread, should make up at least half of your daily grain intake, according to

Avocados contain high amounts of monounsaturated fat, a type of fat that has several health benefits. 

Like whole grains, it reduces blood sugar and insulin spikes, which normally trigger your body to store excess abdominal fat.

Low-fat and Non-fat Dairy

Dairy products such as low-fat yogurt and skimmed milk have an optimal combination of carbohydrates and protein that also stabilises insulin levels.

In addition, yogurt has probiotics that keep your digestion system healthy and decrease stomach bloating. 


Similar to avocados, nuts contain high amounts of healthy mono- unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fats that control blood sugar. 

Certain nuts, such as almonds, contain significant amounts of magnesium, a mineral necessary for maintaining steady blood sugar levels.

Citrus Fruits

The vitamin C in citrus fruits may help you burn up to 30 percent more fat during exercise, according to CBS News.


Soy beans contain fibre, antioxidants and protein. 

Snacking on soy products keeps you feeling satisfied longer while their nutrients control insulin and blood sugar levels.

Fatty Fish

The idea of consuming fatty fish to fight belly fat may seem counter intuitive. 

However, this type of fish, which includes salmon, tuna, trout and mackerel, contains healthy unsaturated fat and omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to promote increased metabolism and fat burning.

Green Tea

Green tea contains antioxidants called catechins. 

The University of Maryland Medical Centre notes that these catechins in combination with the caffeine in green tea may stimulate your metabolism and increase fat burning.

Article Courtesy of 

"How To Lose Belly Fat Tips"

Saturday, 27 April 2013

"Eat Your Veggies: Fibre May Prevent Belly Fat, Cut Disease Risk"

Adding fibre to your diet every day may be the key to preventing the growth of the belly fat that has been linked to chronic diseases.

A new study shows that for every 10 grams of soluble fibre a person consumes in his or her daily diet, 3.7 percent  less belly fat was gained over time. Soluble fibre is found in foods such as beans, fruits and vegetables.

The study "reinforces the notion most people have that fibre is a good thing," and shows that fibre has a role in preventing chronic disease, said study researcher Dr. Kristen Hairston, an assistant professor of internal medicine at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Centre. "Ten grams above what you're doing separated those who didn't gain as much as others, and may be a guidepost for people."

Hairston said it is still unclear why soluble fibre has this effect in the body, but added that it is an area for future research.

Burning off the belly fat

There is more than one type of body fat. Visceral fat, also known as belly fat, surrounds the internal organs and has been linked to chronic illness such as diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. Subcutaneous fat, which is fat found just under the skin, is less of a health concern.

Researchers sought to learn why some people develop more visceral fat while others end up with more subcutaneous fat.

The study used data gathered from 1,100 Hispanic and African-American men and women over the course of five years, and measured a variety of dietary factors as well as exercise levels and smoking.

The main finding, Hairston said, was that eating more fibre appeared to lead to a healthier body, even if people ended up weighing the same.

Some other dietary factors seemed to have an effect on where fat accumulated. Eating sweets tended to be linked to lower levels of subcutaneous fat growth, while eating protein seemed to lead to more.

Chronic illness

Penny Kris-Etherton, a professor of nutrition at Penn State University, said the study tackled an area of concern regarding the illnesses people develop as they gain weight with age.– Many of those illnesses, she said, are linked to visceral fat. (Kris-Etherton was not involved with the new study.)

Kris-Etherton's research has found links between increased fibre intake and a reduction in heart disease, and the new study may explain those findings, she said.

"Whole grains and then soluble fibre and physical activity may help decrease the increase in visceral [fat] with age," she said. "It may slow it down, prevent it. People need to eat more soluble fibre, and it'll help their cholesterol and perhaps their waistlines too."

But while the study showed fibre prevented belly fat from increasing, it's unclear if fibre consumption would help reduce fat accumulation.

Kris-Etherton noted that fibre-rich foods tend to help people feel full on fewer calories, but whether a fibre-enhanced diet would actually help people lose visceral fat was a topic for future study.

The study did have some limitations — notably, the accuracy of what people remembered eating.

"When it looked at the dietary assessment, it was using a dietary recall," said Jessica Crandall, a registered dietitian and spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. "It's better to actually record your food as you go versus trying to remember what you've consumed."

However, she said, the study does yield another potential benefit for patients whom she is trying to encourage to eat more fibre.

"A lot of people want to avoid abdominal fat for the vanity of it as well as the health concerns that are associated with belly fat," Crandall said. "I think that it's a great point to reference to the public. It's yet another reason to encourage higher-fibre foods."

The study was published on line on June 16 in the journal Obesity. Courtesy of my healthy news
"How To Lose Belly Fat"

Friday, 19 April 2013

"How To Lose Belly Fat"

How do you Lose Belly Fat... well let me tell you Belly Fat can be hard to lose. 

But you need to get rid of that spare tyre hanging around your middle. It’s not healthy it doesn't look nice and I'm sure you don’t want to have it spoiling your good looks.

So, where do we start and how can you effectively get rid of that belly fat.

Ways To Lose Belly Fat

It’s all to do with what you eat, your diet in other words, and how much exercise you do.

That’s the answer to How to Lose Belly Fat Fast. Eating the right foods and doing targeted physical exercise. 

Sounds easy doesn't it? But we both know it’s going to take some time and effort.

Hopefully you at least are doing some physical exercises in your present life style. If not then you are going to have to start exercising. What is it they say ... No pain No gain.

But let’s try and make it as easy as possible for you.

Okay, as to the diet part then you need to:

  • Cut well down on your sugar intake. That’s a must!
  • Try and cut out as many of those processed foods that you’re eating just now.
  • Cut down on your salt or sodium intake.

Surely you should be able to do all of the above. 

Now that’s not too hard it just takes a little willpower on your part but think of the benefits you are going to get. 

Think of that lovely flat toned belly you are going to have. Think of that Belly Fat just getting less and less until it disappears.

Belly Fat and Stress

The next thing to be aware of in your fight to lose that Belly Fat is Stress.

Tell me is your life full of stress just now. If it is then that’s not going help you or be good for you. 

Why, because stress produces higher levels of Cortisol in your body ( Cortisol is an important hormone in your body at the right levels, it’s the fight or flight hormone ) but in a state of stress it alters these levels and you have an imbalance and your body will think should it start to store reserves of fat.

Try and reduce your stress levels and I know... that can easier said than done at times. 

I have found that when I am a bit stressed out and I go and do some of my exercise routines and especially when I do Yoga which I love, all or most of what was stressing me out just seems to fade away. 

Try it, get exercising, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much better you will feel after doing your exercises.

Work up a little sweat and get your heart pumping and get that heart rate up a little. You will feel so much better, believe me.

When you lower your stress levels, you lower and control the production of cortisol and doing that certainly reduces belly fat.

The other good thing about exercising is it actually uses up cortisol and that helps not only to reduce your belly fat but it also helps to reduce your appetite. So there are two good things which will come out of that.

Foods To Lose Belly Fat

We talked about diet earlier on and you probably know that there are a number of foods which are said to help reduce stress.

Fish is one and more importantly fish that are high in omega 3.
For example salmon, tuna, sardines and mackerel are just a few.

Some fruits are also good at helping you to burn up fat such as oranges, grapefruit, papayas, mangoes and lemons.

And high protein foods which are good for you on your schedule to burn up belly fat are chicken, turkey and beef but only lean cuts of beef.

I have heard arguments that exercise is definitely the best way to lose Belly Fat but I don’t think that exercise alone will work. Okay exercise will help to reduce your overall body fat but you need to specifically target that stubborn belly fat.

This is a two pronged attack. It has to be... yes, exercise and also the correct diet.

Belly Fat the Conclusion

To finish this particular article and then I’ll get started on the next I'm going to leave you with this particular fact.

Did you know that Belly Fat on its own is considered to create more health problems than any other fat deposits found elsewhere in your body? 

Belly Fat also increases the levels of LDL that’s the bad cholesterol and it lowers the levels of HDL the good cholesterol. That is not good, you don’t want that.

So to lose belly fat you need change your diet, start doing targeted physical exercises and try and keep your stress levels down.

Let’s do it!

Lose Belly Fat.