Showing posts with label Lose Belly Fat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lose Belly Fat. Show all posts

Sunday, 23 June 2013

"Losing Belly Fat and Weight Improves Your Sleep"

The Hopkins researchers recruited 77 overweight volunteers with either pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes. Many reported sleep problems such as sleep apnoea, daytime fatigue, insomnia, and restless or interrupted sleep. 
Half of the volunteers went on a weight-loss diet with supervised exercise training. The other half did just the diet. 
After six months, participants in both groups had lost an average of 15 pounds and reduced their belly fat by 15%. 
Sleep quality improved in both groups. A reduction in belly fat was the best predictor of improved sleep.
The results of this trial are in line with other studies exploring how weight affects sleep and sleep affects weight.

Linking weight loss, belly fat, and sleep

Excess weight and body fat increase the likelihood of developing obstructive sleep apnoea. This condition occurs when the airway becomes blocked, either completely or partially, during sleep. 
These temporary blockages causes frequent awakenings which, in turn, increase the risk for conditions such as high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease.
“So one possibility with the results of this study is that weight loss reduced sleep apnoea and improved sleep quality,” says sleep expert Dr. Lawrence Epstein, an instructor in medicine at Harvard Medical School. 
Weight loss also improves blood sugar control which, in people with diabetes or pre-diabetes, could reduce restless legs syndrome and periodic limb movement disorders, two sleep disorders that people with diabetes are prone to having.
Exercise has also been shown to improve sleep quality. For example, Oregon State University researchers found that people who exercised at least 150 minutes (2:5 hours) a week slept better and felt more alert during the day than those who didn’t exercise much. 
(Don’t exercise right before bedtime, however. That can make it difficult to fall asleep.)
Why reducing belly fat might be a key to improved sleep remains a mystery. 
We do know that fat deposited around the abdomen, called visceral fat, is associated with heart disease, diabetes, dementia, breast and colon cancers, and other chronic health conditions. 
Losing belly fat, then, seems like a logical way to improve not only sleep but also overall health. Unfortunately, it isn’t that simple.
Where you lose weight is partly determined by genetics,” says Dr. I-Min Lee, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and an expert on physical activity’s role in promoting health and preventing chronic disease. 
“Generally, if you lose weight, some of this will occur in belly fat. You just can’t predict how much.”

Improving sleep

Despite what thousands of websites want you to believe, there are no exercises or potions that “melt away” belly fat. 
Instead, the solution is old-fashioned exercise and a healthy diet.
If you are serious about losing weight and sleeping better, aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity (like swimming or brisk walking) each week. 
You don’t have to do five 30-minute workouts. More but shorter exercise sessions, such as three 10-minute brisk walks instead of one 30-minute walk, will have the same impact, says Dr. Lee.
Exercise alone generally doesn’t lead to substantial weight loss. That requires cutting back on daily calories.
The lasting effects of combining exercise and weight loss will go far beyond improving your sleep and well into a healthy future.

(Article courtesy of Harvard Medical School-

Sunday, 16 June 2013

"Foods Not To Eat When Trying To Lose Belly Fat"

Foods you must STOP EATING... RIGHT NOW when trying to Lose Belly Fat are…
  • You need to stop drinking regular & diet sodas. 
  • Quick fact: If you replaced a 20oz bottle of soda with water every day… You would easily lose up to 35 pounds in one year so don't get addicted to soda!
  • Drink more water, Drink more sugar-free vegetable juices (like V8), and drink more Green Tea  and…
  • Cut down on or try to stop drinking alcohol. 
  • Quick fact: Alcohol is basically the refined juice of natural foods which makes it a drink of pure concentrated sugar that will make you gain fat easily and…
  • AVOID the grocery store snack aisle - Stop eating potato crisps, popcorn, cookies, candy, ice cream, cakes, etc. The ingredients in these foods make you want to eat more and the companies who make these snack foods know you'll stay addicted to them (even after you gained lots of weight eating their snacks) but…
  • The companies don't care if you gain weight because of their snack products as long as they make their money from YOU and if you're addicted to snacks.
  • You need to make a strong effort to cut down on your salt & sugar intake because too much salt & sugar causes you to gain water weight making you look fatter than you already are and…
  • Avoid processed foods as much as possible because the processing of these foods removes all the stuff that helps you lose weight and replaces it with stuff like sugar, corn syrup and hydrogenated oils to make you fatter so…
  • Read food labels and avoid anything that has sugar as it's main source of carbs or has corn syrup & hydrogenated oils as ingredients and…
  • Don't be fooled by the term "Multigrain" since it's just a fancy word for processed carbs and choose "Whole Grain" products only and
Here's a bigger list of "Foods NOT to Eat" when trying to lose weight

1.     Fried foods
2.     Fast Foods
3.     Table sugar
4.     Plain Jam
5.     Salted or Smoked nuts
6.     Chocolate Fudge
7.     Candy
8.     Toffee
9.     Gums
10. Mint Sweets
11. Liquorice
12. Sweet Pickles
13. Puddings
14. Corn syrup
15. Cake
16. Breads & Pastas made with white flour
17. Soda pop, such as Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, etc.
18. All baked goods made with white flour
19. Canned fruits with added sugar
20. Alcohol can slow your metabolism down by 73%
21. Potato chips
22. Buttered or Flavoured Popcorn
23. Cookies
24. Ice cream
25. Cakes
26. Pies
27. All deserts (even the Sahara)
28. Did I mention Desserts?
29. Artificial sweeteners like NutraSweet, Equal, Sweet N Low, Sweet Twin, Sugar Twin, Splenda, Sunett & Sweet One
30. Most bottled green teas have more ingredients in it to help you gain weight than the actual green tea itself to help you lose weight.

Remember - In order for you to lose belly fat… you need to stick to these rules.

"How To Lose Belly Fat Tips"

Monday, 6 May 2013

"Top 5 Best Exercises to Lose Belly Fat"

Who doesn't want flat abs?
Who doesn't want to lose Belly Fat? 

People desperate to lose weight will willingly starve themselves, take expensive supplements or do the latest fad diet that promises to give them that flawless figure in 30 days. 

Thankfully, belly fat is metabolically active and easier to lose. However, if proper nutrition is not observed and the resort is made to low calorie diets, weight loss may not happen within the desired time frame. 

Hunger and calorie deprivation will eventually kick in and dieters confronted with that favourite food they have been avoiding will have the tendency to binge at the first opportunity. The likelihood of gaining more weight than they originally lost is not far-fetched.

According to Christine Rosenbloom, a nutrition professor at Georgia State University, eating a calorie-controlled diet and 60 minutes of daily moderate exercise activity will result to weight loss and can even help with the desired weight maintenance. 

In fact, according to Professor Michael Jensen of the Mayo Clinic, intense aerobic exercise will result to being leaner around the abdomen.

It is important to remember that keeping the body's metabolism up and running so that the body continuously burns calories prevents it from going into the fat-storing mode that causes unnecessary weight gain.

Why exercise is necessary

Most people involved in weight loss believe that it's all about the calories. If you burn calories more than you take in, you lose weight. 

If you take in more calories than you can burn, the body gains fat. 

While this piece of logic may make sense, it is only partly true. What burns calories non-stop is actually the lean muscle mass underneath body fat that allows more intake of calories without weight gain.

The body actually adapts to the changes it undergoes. Losing weight without exercising increases the risk of losing lean body mass, slowing the metabolism and putting the body into fat-storing mode. 

People who have lost body fat and muscle mass may notice that they don't have the muscle mass they once had. Worse yet, once they overeat even a little bit, they start filling up on body fat once again.

Building up muscle mass

An important thing to remember when undergoing a weight loss program is to understand what needs to be done. Realistic and achievable goals can help in building the confidence needed to make the necessary leap for the achievement of a desired weight.

Researchers at the Bio-mechanics Lab at San Diego State University took a look at some popular abdominal exercises and ranked them. 

Results of the study revealed that exercises that require constant abdominal stabilisation and body rotation resulted in the most muscle activity in the abdomen.

Below are the top five belly exercises as ranked by the study:

1. The Bicycle Exercise - best for targeting the six pack muscles and the obliques. To do this exercise, get into a supine position with hands at the back of your head. Bring knees to the chest while lifting shoulders off the floor. Slowly bring your right elbow towards your left knee as you straighten your right leg. Switch sides and continue in a pedalling motion. 

(Do 1 to 3 sets with 12 to 16 repetitions)

2. The Captain's Chair Leg Raise - This exercise requires a captain's chair, a rack with padded arms allowing for the legs to hang free that is commonly found in gyms or health clubs. To do this exercise, stand on the chair and grip hand holds. Press back against the pad then raise knees to the chest to contract the abs then lower them back down. 

(Do 1 to 3 sets with 12 to 16 repetitions)

3. Exercise Ball Crunch - For this exercise, an exercise ball is necessary. In this routine, the abdomen does more exerting but will still need the entire body to stabilise it throughout the routine. 

To do this exercise, lie on the ball with your lower back fully supported. Place hands behind the head. To lift the torso off the ball, contract the abs to pull the bottom of the rib cage towards the hips. 

Keep ball stable as you curl up, then lower back down to stretch the abs. 

(Do 1 to 3 sets with 12 to 16 repetitions)

4. Vertical Leg Crunch - Performing this exercise is similar to doing a leg crunch except that the legs are straight up, forcing the abs to work and adding intensity to the routine. To do this, lie on the floor with the legs straight up, knees crossed, and place the hands beneath the head for support. Contract abs lifting the shoulders off the floor and keep legs in a fixed position to crunch. 

"Do 1 to 3 sets with 12 to 16 repetitions)

5. Long Arm Crunch - This is a variant of the traditional floor crunch where the arms are held straight behind you, adding a lever to the move and making for a challenging exercise. To do this, lie on the floor or a mat then extend arms straight behind, keeping them clasped and next to the ears. Slowly contract abs and lift shoulders off the floor carefully to keep the arms straight. 

(Do 1 to 3 sets with 12 to 16 repetitions)

Best Strategy to Weight and Lose Belly Fat

The best strategy to weight loss is to observe a healthy diet coupled with exercise of at least an hour a day. 

Although there is no sure fire way to deal with belly fat, there are a number of activities from which to choose and enjoy. As long as you're having fun, you can lose weight without realising it. 

It is important to look for an exercise you enjoy. 

If the suggested exercises above do not suit your taste, taking a hike, swimming or biking are just as effective in burning fat and toning muscles.

Courtesy of:

"How To Lose Belly Fat"

Friday, 19 April 2013

"How To Lose Belly Fat"

How do you Lose Belly Fat... well let me tell you Belly Fat can be hard to lose. 

But you need to get rid of that spare tyre hanging around your middle. It’s not healthy it doesn't look nice and I'm sure you don’t want to have it spoiling your good looks.

So, where do we start and how can you effectively get rid of that belly fat.

Ways To Lose Belly Fat

It’s all to do with what you eat, your diet in other words, and how much exercise you do.

That’s the answer to How to Lose Belly Fat Fast. Eating the right foods and doing targeted physical exercise. 

Sounds easy doesn't it? But we both know it’s going to take some time and effort.

Hopefully you at least are doing some physical exercises in your present life style. If not then you are going to have to start exercising. What is it they say ... No pain No gain.

But let’s try and make it as easy as possible for you.

Okay, as to the diet part then you need to:

  • Cut well down on your sugar intake. That’s a must!
  • Try and cut out as many of those processed foods that you’re eating just now.
  • Cut down on your salt or sodium intake.

Surely you should be able to do all of the above. 

Now that’s not too hard it just takes a little willpower on your part but think of the benefits you are going to get. 

Think of that lovely flat toned belly you are going to have. Think of that Belly Fat just getting less and less until it disappears.

Belly Fat and Stress

The next thing to be aware of in your fight to lose that Belly Fat is Stress.

Tell me is your life full of stress just now. If it is then that’s not going help you or be good for you. 

Why, because stress produces higher levels of Cortisol in your body ( Cortisol is an important hormone in your body at the right levels, it’s the fight or flight hormone ) but in a state of stress it alters these levels and you have an imbalance and your body will think should it start to store reserves of fat.

Try and reduce your stress levels and I know... that can easier said than done at times. 

I have found that when I am a bit stressed out and I go and do some of my exercise routines and especially when I do Yoga which I love, all or most of what was stressing me out just seems to fade away. 

Try it, get exercising, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much better you will feel after doing your exercises.

Work up a little sweat and get your heart pumping and get that heart rate up a little. You will feel so much better, believe me.

When you lower your stress levels, you lower and control the production of cortisol and doing that certainly reduces belly fat.

The other good thing about exercising is it actually uses up cortisol and that helps not only to reduce your belly fat but it also helps to reduce your appetite. So there are two good things which will come out of that.

Foods To Lose Belly Fat

We talked about diet earlier on and you probably know that there are a number of foods which are said to help reduce stress.

Fish is one and more importantly fish that are high in omega 3.
For example salmon, tuna, sardines and mackerel are just a few.

Some fruits are also good at helping you to burn up fat such as oranges, grapefruit, papayas, mangoes and lemons.

And high protein foods which are good for you on your schedule to burn up belly fat are chicken, turkey and beef but only lean cuts of beef.

I have heard arguments that exercise is definitely the best way to lose Belly Fat but I don’t think that exercise alone will work. Okay exercise will help to reduce your overall body fat but you need to specifically target that stubborn belly fat.

This is a two pronged attack. It has to be... yes, exercise and also the correct diet.

Belly Fat the Conclusion

To finish this particular article and then I’ll get started on the next I'm going to leave you with this particular fact.

Did you know that Belly Fat on its own is considered to create more health problems than any other fat deposits found elsewhere in your body? 

Belly Fat also increases the levels of LDL that’s the bad cholesterol and it lowers the levels of HDL the good cholesterol. That is not good, you don’t want that.

So to lose belly fat you need change your diet, start doing targeted physical exercises and try and keep your stress levels down.

Let’s do it!

Lose Belly Fat.